Color. Sound. Story.
Frabjous Values
June 7th, 2023 by Alex Mills

Early in the formation of Frabjous Studios, I sat down with some of our workers and came up with a set of principles that would help guide the aesthetic decisions we make on our projects. I was delighted by what we were able to come up with together.

Great > Perfect

We want to create art of the highest possible quality while acknowledging that imperfections are a part of beauty.

The Journey is the Destination

We want the player to feel invested when they’re spending time in our world and want to come back.

Substance and Style

The meaning behind the work is as important as the way in which it’s presented. We want our work to have a distinctive voice that sets it apart from other experiences on the market.

Delight Through Exploration

We want to make interactions that delight the audience through a sense of exploration, whether it’s through well-designed levels, procedural content, or deep simulations. We want players to experience the air of mystery we’ve breathed into the world, by filling it with adventure.

Curate With Intention

We want to put our heart into our work while respecting the origins of our inspiration by expression appreciation for works that inspire us.

Functional Eloquence

Every word and pixel matters and concision counts. We aim to produce a sense of childlike wonder by adding immersion wherever we can.

Inclusive Not Exclusive

Our work should be friendly to a diverse audience, including the neurodiverse, queer, and disabled.

Meaningful Impact

We don’t shy away from creating interactions which can help our audience to gently confront and resolve hard truths that need to be explored – tastefully, with compassion and grace.

These values are what Frabjous Studios stands for, and we hope that you can see them in our work.